In her statement Craules writes, "I use the female form as a vehicle to express ideas of physical and psychological abuse, the way we view our bodies and the way we are perceived. Subsequently the form disrobed of most material can become a pastry to the male gaze and can therefore create thoughts of possession." Keep your eyes open for this work. It's out of control. I wish I could find more images to include here, but you'll just have to stop by the museum and check it out for yourself. I strongly recommend it. The show is staying up until April 26th and is free... so you have no damn reason to not check this work out.

As a small aside in this post about art that is blowing me away I think I need to include a statement about this cat Outasight from NY. Dude is super ill and if you care anything about what goes into your ears in the form of music it would do you well to give him a listen here or download his seven song EP here.
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