Monday, March 17, 2008

Throwing It Back

So I've been gone for a hot minute. Been really busy finishing up some pieces and I haven't had time to update. During that time I was reintroduced to an artist that I forgot that I was really into. So we're going to throw it back for this post... If you don't like that you can tell me. I probably won't care though.

Jenny Holzer's body of work known as truisms works on different levels for different people. For me it works in the way that I'm sure she intended as suggested by the title Truisms. A lot of this shit I agree with and believe in. It also works in another way for me. I just think that her stuff is super funny/clever. It's hard for me to get into art in a public arena. I guess I just have a stigma against the words "public art." I don't really think she falls into that category, though. The fact that her art is installed in such places as t-shirts, banks, and golf balls is, to me, sweet as hell. Big ups to Jenny Holzer. She's still working too. Check her out if you don't already know about her.


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