Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Artists I Think Are Hot. Deal.

Akio Takamori:

I recently had the opportunity to listen to this man speak. Not only are his ceramic figures super hot, he's a genuinly kind and honest man.
Check him out


Conneticut based graffiti artist who has designed for toymakers including Kid Robot, Wheaty Wheat, and more. Aside from showing work in national and international shows, Sket-One is published in the legendary graffiti archive "artcrimes." Dude gets real as hell.

Doze Green:
Dude is pissed. Really pissed. He is gracing the cover of the latest issue of Juxtapoz Art & Culture Magazine and has a feature article with enough passion ideas about the art world that it could send people to war. Make sure to check him out.

All for now.


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